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Results for "keyword: "contemplation""
Three Objects Lojong An aphorism and contemplation for turning the causes of suffering into seeds of virtue.
No Solid Self An analytical meditation to help develop wisdom and understanding of the self.
Your Contemplation Style Donald Altman on learning how to practice your own contemplation style.
Feast Day of St. John of the Cross Honoring the life and work of the great Christian mystic and poet St. John of the Cross
E-Courses to Help during the Coronavirus Pandemic Resources for handling uncertainty and difficulties, staying healthy, and developing your contemplative practice.
Contemplative Prayer Brian C. Taylor's outline of his overall approach to contemplative prayer.
Lectio Divina Diogenes Allen's brief description of the Lectio Divina practice.
Following Bad Deeds with Good Ones Jeffrey Hopkins' four steps to transforming our mistakes.
Extending Equanimity to Nightmare Monsters Contemplations that will extend your sense of even-mindedness.
Contemplative Walks Guidance for taking two reflective walks in your neighborhood.